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The Orphic Hymn to Artemis
Hear me, Jove's daughter,
celebrated queen,
Bacchian and Titan, of a noble mien:
In darts rejoicing and on all
to shine,
Torch-bearing Goddess, Dictynna divine;
O'er births presiding, and thyself a maid,
To labour-pangs imparting ready aid:
Dissolver of the zone and wrinkl'd care,
Fierce huntress, glorying in
the Sylvan war:
Swift in the course, in dreadful arrows skill'd,
Wandering by night, rejoicing in the field:
Of manly form, erect, of
bounteous mind,
Illustrious daemon, nurse of human kind:
Immortal, earthly, bane of monsters fell,
'Tis thine; blest maid, on woody hills to dwell:
Foe of the stag, whom woods and dogs delight,
In endless youth who flourish fair and bright.
O, universal queen, august, divine,
A various form, Cydonian pow'r, is thine:
Dread guardian Goddess, with benignant mind
Auspicious, come to mystic rites inclin'd
Give earth a store of beauteous fruits to bear,
Send gentle Peace, and Health with lovely hair,
And to the mountains drive Disease and Care.
Translation in English by Thomas Taylor
Copyright © 2002-4
ΗΛΙΟΔΡΟΜΙΟΝ. All rights reserved. Κατασκευή
Ιστοσελίδας Κατερίνα Παπαδάκη - ΄Ηριννα.
Τελευταία Ανανέωση: Κυριακή, 11. Ιουλίου 2004