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CHAIN OF HARMONY by Ialyssos. |
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First Cycle: The week’s cycle.
What is it? The Chain of Harmony is a self observation and communication system based on internal principles and spiritual laws. What is the purpose? The Chain of Harmony aims at a substantial and creative connection between us, through our own connection with the cosmic rhythms and laws from which we are now completely detached. At the same time it aims at the reinforcement of our personal defences. What we do? Every day of the week we focus on the corresponding law and all its expressions in our everyday life. What is our benefit? When a large number of people consciously focus on the same thing for a whole day a concentration of energy is created, a bank of positive energy, from which all participants benefit and at the same time spread this positive energy to their immediate and wide environment. Distance is of no matter. We live in the age of “tele”, where things function from a distance. So let us connect in a Chain of Harmony, Quickering and Achivement for the “reinforcement” and good of us all! |
Given name of the day: Greek: KYRIAKI English: SUN-DAY Germany: SONN-TAG Spanish: DOMINGO French: DIMANCHE Ancient Greek name rendering: APOLLONIA Planet: SUN Supervising God: APOLLO Greek Vowel: A - Alpha
Law of Consciousness Clear consciousness is the source of all creativity. In the field of infinite possibilities each one, according to its nature, seeks ways of manifestation into the physical realm. We as humans rise to the spiritual realm through the physical realm equivalently. According to our ancestral alphabet, Apollo is Al, the spiritual sun, and the equivalent on the physical level is El, the sun of our solar system. Apollo is the One that unifies and He is the leader of the nine Muses... Therefore he is the One that can awaken the harmonic movement and the dance of the Muses within us and can make the Tree of Life come alive again. Suggestions: Observation of our inner self. Avoid judgment. Connect with Nature and the solar forces. Recommended reading:
Apollo’ s Orphic Hymn.
Given name of the day: Greek: DEFTERA English: MON-DAY Germany: MON-TAG Spanish: LUNES French: LUN-DI Ancient Greek name rendering: ARTEMONI Planet: MOON Supervising God: ARTEMIS Greek Vowel: E - Epsilon
Law of Offer When we wish to offer to the world, we must seek ways to get in touch with the abundance of the universe... To drive away all envy (sense of lacking) that constricts us and let ourselves feel the flow of energy circulate in our life through supply and acceptance. Suggestions: Give. Receive. Circulate. Recommended reading:
Artemis’ Orphic Hymn.
Given name of the day: Greek: TRITI English: TUES-DAY Germany: DIENS-TAG Spanish: MARTES French: MAR-DI Ancient Greek name rendering: ARIONI Planet: PYROEIS or MARS Supervising God: ARES Greek Vowel: H - Eta
Law of Antipeponthos Antipeponthos is the ancient Greek term for Karma. As every seed brings its equivalent fruit into the light, so every action bares its equivalent reaction and results. The choices that we make should be as conscious as possible and should be emanated from our Higher Self. Suggestions: Be careful and attentive. Calculate the consequences of your actions. Listen to your heart. Recommended reading:
Ares’ Orphic Hymn.
Given name of the day: Greek: TETARTI English: WEDNES-DAY Germany: MITTWOCH Spanish: MIERCOLES French: MERCREDI Ancient Greek name rendering: HERMIONI Planet: STILVON or HERMES Supervising God: HERMES Greek Vowel: I - Iota
Law of Intelligence Nature’s powerful intelligence acts in the most sufficient way. Nature always finds the less costly way to work and balance everything. This law of “less effort” makes things easier and our life more pleasant. Besides we should always remember the double meaning of the phrase “shade me not”, that Diogenes said to Alexander the Great. When we rid ourselves from the unnecessary tensions and “cares” in our life we become more free and flexible and so we are able to follow nature’s energy flow. In this way everything in our life becomes easier. Suggestions: Susceptibility. Responsibility. Overcoming our defense mechanisms. Recommended reading:
Hermes’ Orphic Hymn.
Given name of the day: Greek: PEMPTI English: THURS-DAY Germany: DONNERS-TAG Spanish: JUEVES French: JEU-DI Ancient Greek name rendering: DIONI Planet: PHAETHON or DIAS Supervising God: ZEUS Greek Vowel: O - Omicron
Law of Expansion Intention is the mother of all we do. When we focus on our true intention, we acquire organizational strength. We draw energy from Zeus’ never-ending aetheric sources. Desire in its pure form is a powerful expanding urge that drives us to the creation of vital space. Suggestions: Express your desires. Release your caged urge. Retain your presence into the here and now. Recommended reading:
Zeus’ Orphic Hymn.
Given name of the day: Greek: PARASKEVI English: FRI-DAY Germany: FREI-TAG Spanish: VENDRE-DI French: VIERNES Ancient Greek name rendering: APHRODITONI Planet: PHOSPHOROS or APHRODITE Supervising God: APHRODITE Greek Vowel: Y - Hypsilon
Law of Deliberation The unknown is the infinite field of all possibilities... and this why is frighten us. The world that we “know” and are accustomed with is a prison made of habits that were forced on us or we fatally accepted. Habit is nothing but blocked energy flow. We should always remember Socrates’ wise words “all i know is that I know nothing” as the best preparation for our entrance into the world of the Unknown... In order to enter this dance we just have to take one small step when we feel that we are ready without worrying what the “viewers” might say and how they are going to judge us. We just surrender ourselves into energy’s spinal flow without searching for safety... Suggestions: Release yourself from everything you feel tighten. Don’t search for safety. Search for the unknown. Recommended reading:
Aphrodite’s Orphic Hymn.
Given name of the day: Greek: SABATON English: SATUR-DAY Germany: SAMS-TAG Spanish: SABADO French: SAME-DI Ancient Greek name rendering: KRONIONI Planet: PHAENON or KRONOS Supervising God: KRONOS Greek Vowel: Ù - Omega
Law of Life’s Purpose As we move through life, we identify ourselves with role models that the modern way of life has forced on us. These identifications are different “egos” and each one claims everything for itself. If we follow the steps of these identifications we will at same point realize that the highest of them all, the landing, is the service towards the community and the whole of mankind. The only way to realize the purpose of our life is to connect with our higher ego, our higher self. The purpose is the object of our thoughts, our own Ithaca which we should constantly have in mind. All the different identifications can be represented as the Penelope’s “fiancees”; everyone of them claims our soul, but when Ulysses, our Higher Self, appears everything falls into place again. Suggestions: Like Telemachos, search for your Father, your Higher Self. Train your skills. Serve the wholeness around you and within you. Recommended reading:
Kronos’ Orphic Hymn. Ιαλυσσός
Be a part of the Chain of Harmony. Write your observations and send them to Heliodromion’ s e-mail with the note: “Chain of Harmony”. Every valid observation requires exercise fathoming into the different expressions of each law. The Chain of Harmony is an initiative procedure, adapted especially to our life’s conditions as they have been transformed and apply today. It is already activated and used by many people in Greece. In this article only the basic points of the first cycle are presented. The presentation will be completed in three cycles. Until the next time I wish you well and awakened!
Translation in English: Vassia Bouchagiar © Heliodromion Society, Athens, Hellas.
Copyright © 2002-2004 [ÇËÉÏÄÑÏÌÉÏÍ]. All rights reserved. ÊáôáóêåõÞ Éóôïóåëßäáò Êáôåñßíá ÐáðáäÜêç - ´Çñéííá.
Ôåëåõôáßá ÁíáíÝùóç: ÔåôÜñôç, 07. Éïõëßïõ 2004.