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is a cultural and research organization with a non speculative character that
was founded in 1990, and it officially operates in Athens under the law form of
the civil non speculative association, since 1992.
main purpose of Heliodromion’s existence i
an extension to this, the organization has set a specific target in research,
study and implementation of the Hellenic Tradition in its total (Language,
Philosophy, Religion, History, etc). Our Tradition is the light and the rule for
our safe traveling in a constantly changing world, a world so agitated as it is
Ancients and their works are our inspiration for the birth of a new Conception,
a new Semantics of the Universe and Man. By reconstructing the past, issuing the
new elements with caution and responding to the new needs of our time, we
progress with certainty into future…
in today’s age and overcoming all kinds of difficulties as we go along, we are
called as modern Hellenes (Greeks) to recollect our Ancient Knowledge and open a
New Way for the Spiritual Renaissance of Hellas (Greece) and all healthy Mankind.
we invite everyone who feels the need of an awakening for everything that
happens around him but also within himself, to take part in this great effort.
Contact us now.
Heliodromion Society. Athens, Hellas. The text was translated from Greek by Vassia Bouchagiar.
Copyright © 2002 ΗELIODRΟΜΙΟΝ. All rights reserved. Κατασκευή Ιστοσελίδας Κατερίνα Παπαδάκη - ΄Ηριννα.
Last renewal: 06-12-2004.