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HELIODROMION -CULTURAL & RESEARCH SOCIETY HELLENIC TRADITION SERIES All books of this series include the ancient Greek text. |
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Author: Plutarchus Title: Concerning Euthymia (tranquility of the soul) Introduction - Comments -Contemporary rendering: George Lathyris Size: 14x21 Pages: 160 Price: 13 Euro ISBN: 960-85577-2-0 |
This is a book on how people can find and keep their inner peace and serenity. The wise Plutarch offers to us a trustworthy and precious compass for our safe navigation through this time of turmoil that we live in. |
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Author: Porphyrius Title: Concerning Statues Introduction - Comments -Contemporary rendering: George Lathyris Size: 14x21 Pages: 128 Price: 12 Euro ISBN: 960-85577-3-9 |
This is the only preserved work of hellenic literature that reffers to the symbolisms on ancient statues. This book offers a chance to learn about the mystic “body language” of statues and have a taste of a miraculous world, our Hellenic World! |
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Author: Proclus Title: Concernig the Hieratic Art of Greeks (Hellenes) -Sacred Hymns Introduction - Comments -Contemporary rendering: George Lathyris Size: 14x21 Pages: 112 Price: 11 Euro ISBN: 960-85577-4-7 |
Philosophy expresses its truths through ideas, while religion uses symbols for the same purpose. In Hellenic Tradition these two ways of expression unite under the same cause. An initiative book on the living Hellenic Religion and its neverending symbolisms. |
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Author: Apollonius the Sophist Title: An Odyssey and Iliad Dictionary Editorship: George Lathyris Size: 14x21 Pages: 208 Price: 15 Euro ISBN: 960-85577-5-5 |
This book is a turning point in all Greek publications. It is the most ancient preserved dictionary of Greek Language, dating back to 2000 years! It includes over 3.000 words and phrases traced in Homer’s epics with unique interpretations and etymologies. No one can claim true knowledge on the Greek (Hellenic) Language without studying Homer in depth; and this is the Dictionary everybody needs to do it properly. |
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Author: George Lathyris Title: The Platonic Terms of Speusippus. Platonic Philosophy Concepts Dictionary. Size: 14x21 Pages: 272 Price: 18 Euro ISBN: 960-85577-9-8 |
This is the first publication of the “Terms” by Speusippus, student and succesor of Plato in his Academy, in the form of a Dictionary. This publication is enriched with new terms and substantiated by thorough references to all of Plato’s Work. |
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Author: Orpheus Title: 88 Sacred Hymns of the Hellenic Religion Editorship: Ialyssos Size: 14x21 Pages: Price: Euro Under Publication |
“Orpheus was the first to reveal mysteries of gods, and therefore the mysteries are called religion” The Orphic Hymns belong to the most ancient, beutiful and valuable liturgical texts of the Hellenic Religion,and their radiation is passed through the centuries. The Sacred Hymns of Orpheus constitute a direct, natural and easy to grasp introduction to the mysteries of the Soul and the Cosmos. |
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Author: Stephanos the Byzantios Title: The Nationals. Great Geographical Dictionary of ancient Cities, Places and Nations Editorship: George Lathyris Size: 14x21 Pages: 500 Price: 36 Euro ISBN: 960-85577-3-5 |
The “Nationals” is a Complete Geographical Dictionary, which contains a great deal of important (historical, linguistic, etymological, religious, mythological, etc.) information about the ancient world, till the time of Stephanos (6th century A.D.) just before the typhoon darkness coming from the East covers everything... It literally concerns a Thesaurus of Ancient Knowledge that comes to strike a blow of light at the modern carefully planned confusion aiming at the civilization of our Ancestors. |
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Author: Ammonios Title: Dictionary of Similar and Different Words Editorship: George Lathyris Size: 14x21 Pages: 146 Price: 12 Euro ISBN: 960-85577-2-7 |
“Each speech not being accurate, brings enough proofs of lack of education” A rare and valuable dictionary of the Alexandrian Ammonios (1st century A.D.) in first greek publication. There is interpretation and differentiation with regards to the meaning of more than one thousand words of the Greek Language. |
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Author: Ialyssos Title: Birthday Ceremonial according to the tradition of the Greeks Size: 14x21 Pages: 66 Price: 8 Euro ISBN: 960-85599-4-3 |
The first ceremonial of the everyday life of the Greeks that was fully reconstructed by Ialyssos, applied for three years and it is now published and released for the Greeks all over the World to use. The publication includes the description of the Ceremonial, analytical instructions on how it should be performed as well as all the sacred hymns and wishes being recited. |
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of the site: Katerina Papadaki -Irinna.
Last renewal:: 07-07-2004