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Through this Series of publications, we attempt the presentation of a number of very important works that serve and promote the meandric line of Hellenic Tradition from ancient times to today age.

In each one the ancient text, which is based on the validated stereotype publications and which is retyped and rechecked word by word, is prefixed. We consider the ancient Greek text to be a predator to our modern Greek language, and not a foreign text, therefore we never use the term “translation” for our. We prefer to use the term “contemporary rendering” instead.

In this effort, we have adopted a contemporary rendering that respects the ancient text, but also serves its meaning and expresses it in a contemporary, fluent and understandable language. For this is the meaning of a living Tradition: to draw from the source, supply and give new life!

Who wouldn’t appreciate and commend on those who would bring water from a spring to a town that suffered from water famine? Who wouldn’t commend on those who would supply the essence of the need, in a way that would both utilize the spring and benefit the town and citizens?

Just like the people of a droughty town need the sacred springs of ancient knowledge to be able to understand “where we came from”, comprehend “how we got here”, see with clear eyes “where we are going to” and set once more the crucial question of “where do we really want to go”?

Through the passage of centuries, one can obtain elements of parable and comparison, and only then one can separate the essentials from the everyday needs. One also obtains supervisory knowledge of the course through time, becomes certain about what one must do and draws the strength to do it, from the living example of great men that walked successfully the Road of Virtue.

Plutarchos once said that Tradition is the light and the rule. Everything that is not Tradition is a blindfolded quest, an attempt to sail without a compass and with no rescue means to save you from a possible wreck. Without our Tradition we are doomed to improvise in vicious circles and dance to the crazy rhythms of every rising fashion. But every newly found fascination is just an adventure of vanity; that’s why they keep changing every little while, vanity is never satisfied; whereas anything classic is an adventure of knowledge and therefore always in style!

The texts of which our Written Tradition is consisted, are not just some finds that out to be put in museums, surrendered into the hands of cold professionals. They are a living and vibrating reality that we must reclaim and regain.

For the identity of this series, we chose the classic shape of 14x21, specially designed covers with flaps and decided to share the context in the most efficient form for the reader: exhibit of the ancient text on the left page and exhibit of the contemporary rendering on the right page. All comments, notes and references can be found at the end of each book as a third part that expands and enriches the text and its theme, in many aspects. The three main parts of each book: ancient Greek text, contemporary rendering, and comments, work in relation with each other but also separately as well. The reader can first of all enjoy the contemporary rendering as an independent story. Then, he can broaden his intellectual horizons by studying the notes and seeking the reference texts, if he wishes so. Finally, on a deeper level of study, he can approach the ancient Greek text and reach for more than just reading.

We suggest this kind of study to our readers, so that every book of this Series can become a tool for the mind and a depository of useful and effective knowledge.

Heliodromion 2000 a.C. /2776 s.O. (since Olympics)

 © Heliodromion Society. Athens, Hellas. The text was translated from Greek by Vassia Bouchagiar.


Copyright © 2002 ΗELIODRΟΜΙΟΝ.  All rights reserved.  Κατασκευή Ιστοσελίδας Κατερίνα Παπαδάκη - ΄Ηριννα.

Last renewal: 29-06-2004 .