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The “iron race” and its unbearable rust.
by Ialyssos
Dear friends,
it seems that, as a symptom of a dying age, black with rusted morality, an overflow of facts has taken over our intellect and our emotional center.
According to the science of Astronomy, Mars, the planet orbited by racing Phobos and Deimos (in ancient Greek it means Terror), who reaches its closest to the Earth orbital point once every 17 years, came to that point sometime last year. As we would all testify we are still being subjected to the consequences of this extreme close-up: Phobo-cratia (the constant state of fear in our lives), and Deimo-cratia (Terrorism).
Apart from that, Mars affects our lives on Earth in another way too, through the ancient and mystic law of succession and sequence of the planets, which Greek Mythology, i.e. the Sacred Tradition of Greeks, only partially reveal.
According to our Mythology, Saturn “dethroned” his father Uranus, only to be “dethroned” himself by his son Zeus. There was a prophecy that Zeus would be “dethroned” at his time as well, by one of his sons, as the cycle of succession is everlasting and subject to the Cosmic Need (Ananke).
It seems that Mars was indeed the one to “dethrone” Zeus, as he prevailed through iron and fire (his two symbols), razing everything that belonged to or reminded of the old reign to the ground as he went along. The oxymoron is that this violent and destructive passage from "Zeus" to "Mars" was all done in the name of “love”! Seems that this sweet word was very seductive after all. The human quest for creative union with a companion degenerated to phenomenons of monkism and castration and generally into supression and abuse of the sexual instict as it was completely covered by the powerfull influences of Mars made a triumphal entrance through Phobos and it looks like the curtain will go down by Deimos (Terror).
Nevertheless, the divine plan was and will always be written in our Mythology: Our Earth lies between Mars and Venus, whose union gives birth to the beautiful maiden Harmony (Harmonia). Therefore our Earth is destined to balance the “male” and “female” Cosmic Forces by being that daughter, by being Harmony! Lets help Her by making good of this Martian Domain request. We owe it to her!
In the meanwhile, we will continue to watch the impressive acrobatics of Terror out of breath and will be even more frightened as we realize that we too are part of the Plan...
As an ancient proverb says: “In Need (Ananka) even the Gods are convinced to go along”. At the same point, not very far from now, this violent cycle that couldn’t be balanced and brought numerous wars, destruction and suffering on Humanity, will relentlessly close.
We Hellenes, have started to free ourselves from the frightening and in many ways manifested dead-ends of our time long ago, and we are now presented with the signs of a new dawning. A new Sun will rise and it already seeks apprentice heros who will dare follow it...
As this new Generation of Heros is called to reunite the suffering Mankind with its higher Destiny, so we call you to resist the dying paroxysms of the “iron race” and its unbearable rust!
Translation in English: Vassia Bouchagiar
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