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The First "non material " Dancer
The experience of ancient cultures and traditions- which have not survived by accident through the centuries- is a priceless tank of knowledge to every good-faithed researcher who has the necessary courage and boldness to go beyond the boundaries of his science. These are boundaries and limitations which usually emerge from our own need to "protect" our ignorance. According to an optimistic point of view, we needn't and shouldn't stall the inevitable coming of an era where all sciences will be united in one, where research, knowledge, consciousness and "inner" healing will all just be different sides of the same, energy reality. "All flows" where the wise words of Heraklitos. Energy equals dynamic, action, change. Energy is motion. Motion proves life. Therefore, energy is life itself transformed in various different forms so that we can conceive of it with our limited fire-sensed organs. It twirls, down to its smallest quantum, and the "quantum's spin" mystery (enigma) goes to show with great clarity that this attribute is fundamental for its own existence. The crucial philosopher's idea that "matter consists of energy twirls" existed before Einsten's theory who proved that " matter is equal to energy". Unfortunately, it took less than 29 grams of matter transformed into energy to destroy Hiroshima and kill thousands of people in 1945. Therefore, even without going into physics and mathematics analysis, we comprehend that this huge amount of energy was concentrated into a small piece of matter (uranium) which was already spinning in a certain frequency and this brings us to the conclusion that the matter is concentrated energy. Energy becomes concentrated when the speed of molecules and atoms is slowed down. On the other hand when the speed accelerates energy becomes diluted. Given the fact that the molecule structure never changes all that is left to change with all the accelerating and slowing down the speed of molecules process, is the substance of whatever is being processed in this way. (1st and 2nd generation accelerators). This (transformation of substance) brings down the barrier of materialization and unmaterialisation. Unmaterialisation is not a disolverment. An unmaterialized object is not destroyed, it is just invisible, insensible in this world, our world of 5 senses and not in the least less real than is was before. Its molecular structure has not changed and the energy that has created is not lost (energy is never lost just transformed ) it just went beyond the "light speed limit" from our familiar natural world to the super- natural level of existence. In the same pattern of equivalent speed if it should enter the below light speed field again, it would appear before our eyes completely unaltered. But how are we going to surpass this " light speed limit"? How can we ever go beyond it when the means and patterns that we use are from our conceivable nature world? When, even our way of thought (which is energy as well) is imprisoned in physical and logical explaining that we have to do in every aspect of our lives? Why since the borders of our natural universe have not yet been found (if they exist at all) do we, who are made by the same material (stardust), deliberately and willingly imprison ourselves in the "real" world? Of course, for our 5 senses matter is completely real. It is solid liquid and gas. But who says and can actually prove that there's nothing more than that? Who has hard evidence as requested for all theories in the "real world", that there's nothing out there other than our 5 senses and our conservable solid, liquid and gas world? Such evidence hasn't yet been displayed by any scientist and perhaps it never will. So it is at least interesting, if not necessary, to examine our reality in a different way. To start, in the 5 human senses level at perception matter is matter and has all the characteristics of matter. In the physics level of perception matter is just empty space in which molecules and atoms spin to eternity, but the frequencies of their spinning is still in the below light speed territory. (Frequency of spinning depends on the speed of spinning). Now assuming that we move to another level, the over light speed territory, the frequencies of spinning molecules and atoms are now higher than the light speed limit so as a result the energy produced, by this spinning will no longer be material. Light speed is indeed the limit, the last frontier of our natural world as we know it until now. Going over that frontier might provoke fear, but I call upon your remembrance, the early days of ultrasound aircraft's where scientists believed that the speed of sound was the highest speed anyone could reach and the terrified pilots that were chosen to overcame it. Imagine their surprise and astonishment when they realized that they could actually do it and still go home for dinner!!! And of course let us not forget that Franklin was "chasing" and "capturing" balls of lightning in times when they frightened people away with their firy presence. So, if the "border of light" as known is taken for natural and material, the passing over to its other side would be -verbally at least- taken for super-natural and hyper- natural and it would alter the substance of energy as it is known to us, to hyper- substance of hyper-energy. This transformation is a bridge of understanding and helps us tell the difference between the natural and the super-natural, the material and the hyper-material (unmaterial), the energy and the hyper-energy. In the natural level, science examines the constantly transforming types of energy that we can sense with our senses (magnetic, electromagnetic, thermal, kinetic energy, radio frequencies etc) In the supernatural level we examine the substance of energy. In past times, people would accept the reality of supernatural and metaphysic phenomenon as something normal. In our times however we've lost that ability and our belief in the forces of the universe around us and we treat this phenomenon with doubt distrust. While it challenges our knowledge of the universe the super-natural is dealt with skepticism. Even though in modern medicine the term "psychosomatic illness" is widely accepted, the majority of the science world insists on denying the communication or even the parallel existence of natural and super-natural, energy and hyper energy. The key-word is "coordination". Vibrations that are expressed in the same frequency in other words. We could easily overcame this endless sea of doubt if we could just perceive how people detect water or metals, healers, perform healing ceremonies (ex. Shamans), astronauts and ordinary folks see U.F.O.s psychics can foretell the future, patients leave their bodies while under anesthesia, mothers know when their offspring is in danger even if they are mile apart. Almost everybody has run into a friend we were just thinking about. And there's a lot more (telepathy, telekinesis, astral projection, timetravel, visions, elevation etc) and many different alternative healing methods (osteopathology, acupuncture, reflexology, reiki, shiatsu, bioenergy healing, homeopathy etc.) that help all those who choose to rely on the basis of hyper-energy to contribute a great deal to this world, in many levels. Our body is energy brought down to the material of existence. It accepts, produces and dismisses energy. With this acceptation, renewal, development, replacement and dismissal at the eternally spinning sub-atomic little pieces of matter, it contributes to the universal dance of visible and invisible life-existence. We conceive at our body as a solid visible concentrated object-subject, with multiple material, emotional and intellectual expressions. What we usually don't conceive of, is that this energy spinning of our molecules has two ways of direction, one forwards the center of our existence and one towards the outer world which create concentration and dilution. In the natural level this is expressed by acceptance and rejection. In the super-natural level it's expressed by the crosswording and coordination with other energy twirls. A super-natural communication. But how? Let us imagine this energy twirl forming matter. As it expands outwards the energy gets thinner. It continues to get thinner and thinner as the twirl is spreading in volume and space. Nevertheless, even in a great distance at the center of the twirl the energy is still there, but so very thin that we cannot even sensate - not with our 5 senses. This leads us to the conclusion that the so called "empty space" is not really empty, on the contrary it's filled with very fine and undetectable energy. In the same way we can say that matter as we know is extremely thick space. So space and matter are two sides of the same energy twirl and what we call a molecule of matter is in fact the "thick center" of an expanding energy twirl. Our senses are too limited and so we react to light, sound and smell within these limitations. It's obvious that with our limited senses we cannot conceive of the fragile energy spread out by the energy twirl, filling what we think is empty space. Even though it looks like its empty, the spread- out energy is as real as matter itself. In electricity and magnetism one molecule acts on another without any physical contact at all. This action takes place through seemingly empty space. All objects including ourselves seem to have limitations but that is an illusion. When the energy twirls of the molecules that define the human body expand, they create higher energy fields. These energy fields are often described as the "sphere of higher bodies" that surround and go through our natural body, This invisible (for most of us) energy is the key- start to all alternative medicine methods. The are more or less well known even though not completely acceptable from the modern medicine world. Still they are part of a strong legacy of ancient civilizations. Natural, etheric (thin or sensitive) emotional, intellectual, higher, these are the many "bodies" of man as they appear in order. I will not go into the oppositions of western medicine to this, but think how easy it is -even if its our of our senses field) when our energy is expanding to explain the effect we have on each other not only through our actions but also through emotions and thoughts. We are all connected to each other through our energies. And not only to each other but also to everything that exists on the planet and up in the sky. Therefore, it is wise to expand positive energy through good emotions and thoughts, which through palmic vibrations, influences our lives for the better. Negative palmic vibrations can be harmful and very dangerous not only for our energy bodies but also for our physical body. In the same way that we expand and spread energy, we can concentrate and absorb it. This is our vital energy which is necessary for life. It is well known that bad use of energy creates serious problems in mans physical and mental health. The pollution of the air, the destruction of our natural environment, the chemicals in our food, the electromagnetic pollution of electric appliances, the "smart weapons" systems are all expressions of bad use of energy and also responsible for some of the most deadly diseases of our century. People with low vitality levels are more prone to any kind of toxins and viruses. Whereas, people with high vitality (when that is, our hyper-body is strong and well balanced) have a much better resistance to diseases and interference's in their energy. Experiments have showed very clearly that certain frequencies that can alter the chemistry of our brain exist and have been used in many cases. (Additional information on radio frequencies included). As a result of everything that's been written we can say that the movement of energy twirls in a hyper-energy, super-natural level brings in direct communication all that is expanding and spreading out from the universe to the universe. In this communication there is only one key for complete perception. Coordination!!! Everything is here: the "world of ideas", imagination, inspiration, our energy past imprinted on spreading twirls, our energy future waiting patiently to be expressed in our natural world through concentration our time and space one and the same, our unfulfilled dreams lost to energy misuse, our civilizations and our lost homelands. It's all here. All and everything united in one consciousness, one common mind, with thousand of different perspectives of the world though millions of different bodies and eyes separated from each other on the physical plain only by the illusion we set up for ourselves. Even so, behind all of our different emotions and thoughts we are all one because in universal consciousness of hyper -energy there is no division. Our subjective consciousness is itself - if we take out our personal interference's- a universal, undivided principle that is expressed by everything and everyone through the movement of the universe. Our universal consciousness humanity's common mind is a dancer. So is the smaller of all twirling molecules. Movement is the beginning of all life and in this ancient movement of energy we are all one. Whether we know it or not!!! All it takes is to "wake up and smell the roses". This, on the other hand, is a matter of personal evolution for every one of us. Doris Kefalonitou, Dance and Music Teacher. 16th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON DANCE RESEARCH. Municipality of FEAKES, CORFU, September 30th, 2002
Bibliography: 1.-David Ash, Peter Hewitt, "Scientist of God". 2.-Michael Talbot, "Holographic Universe". 3.-B.B. Kazhinksy, " Electricity and Human Thought".
Translation in English: Vassia Bouchagiar.