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Towards every authorized Court and all Authorities.
The “ATHENS 2004” Organization, residing in Athens, as represented according the law, and AGAINST Anyone in response.
We the signatories, Greek and European Union citizens, strongly protest against the previously mentioned Organization for choosing as the upcoming Olympics’ mascots two cartoon – sketches (inspired as their representatives say from ancient Greek dolls) to which they completely arbitrarily gave the names “Phoebus” and “Athena”.
The choice of these vulgar “mascots” in combination with the impropriate and unexpected use of these two Names, offends in a brutal and scurrilous way some of Greek Civilization’ s most ancient and sacred symbols as well as its religious models.
We consider that this choice encloses deceit and the intention to make the unthinkable come true: the factual mockery of timeless spiritual values in the upcoming Olympic Games, through the “artistic” humiliation of the divine entities that were honoured during these very Games! Even more, the continuous use of these Divine Names, subconsciously connected with the cartoon – sketches through repetition, will lead to their equation in the viewer’s – listener’s mind!
In this way serious blaspheme and insult is committed towards the Greek Religion of which supreme religious festivities were the Olympic Games!
Phoebus and Athena are not “mythological” beings but supreme spiritual models and are honoured throughout the world with constant works of study under the international philosophical and academic community and from the Greek State as well which uses their sacred figures as its pre-eminently cultural symbols and lead every official guest of the State to a spiritual pilgrimage at the Sacred Rock of Acropolis (Temple of Athena) and the Sacred Grounds of Delphi (Temple of Phoebus Apollo). They are also honoured by: the Athens Academy as their beautiful statues decorate its façade, the municipality of Athens in which’s flag one can see the face of Athena, Universities, private sectors, etc.
Of course, the Divine Beings themselves are in no need of our protection. What is in need of our protection as a lawful state, are the Values of our timeless Civilization and our feeling of sanctity towards them also known as religious feeling.
The previously mentioned de facto situation deeply and brutally offends our honor and esteem as Greek Citizens who participate and commune with Greek Culture in all its expressions, and causes us sadness and deep mental anguish.
THEREFORE, under reserve of all our rights we publicly DENOUNCE all the above and STATE that we wish the withdraw of the these mascots by using any suitable legal means, their complete dissociation from the Divine Names “Phoebus” and “Athena”, the restoration of the damage already done and the future avoidance from similar insults.
An authorized bailiff has been bided to legally serve this protest wherever demanded or advisable, having full knowledge of all legal consequences.
Follow the signatures of 378 Greek Citizens, with their names, address and profession.
Note: This PROTEST – COMPLAINT – STATEMENT has been legally notified by competed bailiff to many receivers in Greece and European Union: (“Athens 2004”, District Attorney, Ministries, Political Parties, Newspapers, Magazines, etc.).
© 2002 [ΗΛΙΟΔΡΟΜΙΟΝ]. All rights reserved. Κατασκευή
Ιστοσελίδας Κατερίνα Παπαδάκη - ΄Ηριννα.
Τελευταία Ανανέωση: 09/06/2004 .