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Television, a modern Pandora’s Box,
by Ialyssos.
Dear friends,
television (tv) was, without a doubt, a great ivention that changed the world. Nevertheless, in very short time after its invention and under the illusion of this new bliss, it became a powerfull tool for the mass control of millions of people. The myth reffering to Pandora’s box is widely known through our Mythology. Even though the idea that all the evil in the world could be confined into a box and unreleased if opened, might have seemed fictious in older days, today we find great similarities between the myth and the way television works.
Television is a projecting device that creates and sends out skeptomorphes and a large number of images in anarchy that violently insert into our psyche, since all the passageways are open. These skeptomorphes passes our mind and our intellect, are stored into our subconsious and acting against our will -which they undermine by gradually weaking it- determine our thoughs and actions.
Now, taking in mind that a box can open just by pushing a button as well as the usual way, we can understand the connection between television and the opening of Pandora’s box.
Greek wise men used to say that the worse kind of thief is the one that steals your time. Therefore, resist this time-thief, turn your television off and open a book or make good of your time in any way you find usefull, since time is the most precious thing you can own!
Translation in English: Vassia Bouchagiar
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